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Date: Wed, 6 Apr 94 04:30:47 PDT
From: Ham-Homebrew Mailing List and Newsgroup <ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu>
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Subject: Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #88
To: Ham-Homebrew
Ham-Homebrew Digest Wed, 6 Apr 94 Volume 94 : Issue 88
Today's Topics:
2 meter transverter for HR 2600?? (2 msgs)
PIN diodes cause IMD in front end?
QRP-linear for HW-7?
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We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
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policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 1994 02:24:56 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!pipex!sunic!psinntp!psinntp!arrl.org!zlau@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: 2 meter transverter for HR 2600??
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
JimN0OCT (jimn0oct@aol.com) wrote:
: I've just purchased a used HR-2600 10 meter rig. I would like to use
: transverters to get on 2m all-mode. The man who sold it to me said there was
: an article in either 73 or QST that described this, but I can't find it. Any
: help?? Thanks alot!
There was one in 73 a few years ago but I wouldn't recommend you build
The ARRL Handbook has a 2M transverter for several years. I've heard
rumors that the Packrats are working on an improved one--probably with
better transmit IMD, but it may be a while before this design is
available. (Packrats--W3CCX is the club call)
There hasn't been one in QST recently, though I've considered
adapting the "no-tune" 222 MHz transverter I recently published
in QEX for 2 meters. Unfortunately, it looks like I'll be busy
this year attending VHF and microwave conferences, so I don't
know when I'll get to it. Come to think of it, I really ought
to be working on my presentation on 5760 MHz preamps for the
West Coast VHF conference at the end of the month...
Zack Lau KH6CP/1 2 way QRP WAS
8 States on 10 GHz
Internet: zlau@arrl.org 10 grids on 2304 MHz
Date: 6 Apr 94 09:11:04 GMT
From: agate!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
Subject: 2 meter transverter for HR 2600??
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
In article <1994Apr3.022456.11057@arrl.org> zlau@arrl.org (Zack Lau (KH6CP)) writes:
>JimN0OCT (jimn0oct@aol.com) wrote:
>: I've just purchased a used HR-2600 10 meter rig. I would like to use
>: transverters to get on 2m all-mode. The man who sold it to me said there was
>: an article in either 73 or QST that described this, but I can't find it. Any
>: help?? Thanks alot!
>There was one in 73 a few years ago but I wouldn't recommend you build
>The ARRL Handbook has a 2M transverter for several years. I've heard
>rumors that the Packrats are working on an improved one--probably with
>better transmit IMD, but it may be a while before this design is
>available. (Packrats--W3CCX is the club call)
The most robust easily duplicated design currently in print is the
Suffolk design in the RSGB book _The VHF/UHF Dx Book_. Chapter 8
includes a good discussion of why certain tradeoffs are made in
transverter design.
Gary Coffman KE4ZV | You make it, | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary
Destructive Testing Systems | we break it. | uunet!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary
534 Shannon Way | Guaranteed! | emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary
Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | |
Date: 6 Apr 1994 02:16:33 GMT
From: koriel!newsworthy.West.Sun.COM!abyss.West.Sun.COM!spot!myers@ames.arpa
Subject: PIN diodes cause IMD in front end?
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
In article E2G@SSD.intel.com, rlt@ssd.intel.com (Roger Traylor) writes:
>I am building a front end for a multiband receiver. It will
>consist of two poles of bandpass filtering followed by a grounded
>gate JFET amp, followed by another two poles of filtering.
>My question is: if PIN diodes are used to switch between different sets
>of bandpass filters will they cause increased IMD at typical (not
>pathological) signal levels?
PIN diodes, as I understand it, can introduce some IMD. However, in normal
application, this is miniscule. For any frequency that a PIN can be used as
a switch, it cannot be used as a mixer. This is because a mixer diode works
by rapidly switching on and off, where a PIN diode is designed to switch
very slowly, slowly enough that an RF signal can not turn it on and off.
In short, I think the answer to your question is no.
* Dana H. Myers KK6JQ, DoD 466 | Views expressed here are *
* (310) 348-6043 | mine and do not necessarily *
* Dana.Myers@West.Sun.Com | reflect those of my employer *
* This Extra supports the abolition of the 13 and 20 WPM tests *
Date: 5 Apr 94 21:51:40 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!galaxy.ucr.edu!library.ucla.edu!psgrain!news.tek.com!gvgpsa.gvg.tek.com!gold.gvg.tek.com!gold!cleveland@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: QRP-linear for HW-7?
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
In Article <2njrjm$lsj@search01.news.aol.com>, jimn0oct@aol.com (JimN0OCT)
> >Has anyone built a small broadband amplifier to go with HW-7?
There was an article entitled "Slippers for the HW-7" published in
QST manu years ago. Perhaps someone could supply a copy.
* Grover Cleveland WT6P@KE6LW.#NOCAL.CA *
* Instructional Designer v(916) 478-3153 *
* The Grass Valley Group Inc. - A Tektronix Company f(916) 478-3831 *
* Grass Valley, California DoD 7388 *
Date: 5 Apr 94 19:28:58 GMT
From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
Subject: radiokit
To: ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu
P. O. BOX 973
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End of Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #88